Saturday, January 5, 2013

a new year

hey guys!  happy new year to you all!
a new year means new beginnings.  in the past i haven't made many new years resolutions (except the continuous weight loss goal), but this year i decided to do something that would be very beneficial and very obtainable.  i plan on taking notes for every sermon/study that i am apart of AND go back and look at it.  my brain always does better with an outline.  in the past i usually sit through speakers and just let my mind wonder.  i intend to soak up as much as possible, Lord willing.

do any of you have resolutions?


  1. I loved getting lunch with you today. :) I also love this post. You do so well at simplifying things, that's something I need to work on. I love this resolution & you.


  2. I loved coffee/lunch too. I can't wait until the next time! :)

  3. I resolve to follow Christ wherever he leads me this year and not be an apathetic wretch. I suppose you can call those "resolutions" I call it the story of my life.

    1. I read "apathetic wench"...hahaha you're definitely not one of those.

  4. Potato Potato, tomato tomato. lol
