Saturday, August 18, 2012

falling into fall

i am SO excited for fall.

it's been a lot cooler here in west michigan lately (i'm sure that will change soon) and it makes me want fall so badly.  i'm getting my cardigans out and my skinny jeans in hope that this cool weather will last until fall actually comes!
i've been thinking about things that i'm looking forward to. so, without farther ado...

1. boots, boot, boots
i LOVE boots with skinny jeans.  also, i just bought some much wanted rain boots
2. cardigans
i know i mentioned it already, but love cardigans...especially with t-shirts
3. cool weather 
i love being bundled up with a sweater
4. fall weddings!
i have two weddings this fall and i am so excited.  i love both of these couples and i can't wait to see and be apart of their beautiful day
5. the colors
the trees are so beautiful as they change here in west michigan.

here is one of my favorite pictures that i took a few years ago.  i love all the leaves AND the pretty pup  too :)

update! update!
how could i forget my FAVORITE thing about fall.....
haunted corn mazes! (and other scary stuff)

how could i have possible forgotten that?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. AHHH I love haunted corn mazes!!! :) I just got really excited for fall by reading this.
